7 Essential Tips for Your First Home Build - Listicle for Build7


This list formatted blog post centres on first time home-buyers; a growing demographic in New Zealand and of high value to the home building industry.

Where does one begin when it comes to building a new home? We know that the journey from the initial idea to the finished product has many steps. Many of those steps are entirely up to you, but there are some tried and tested points of advice we can give that may help you navigate the path ahead. We can also assure you that the destination is entirely worth it! Designing and building a new home is one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences; keep the moments between comfortable and straightforward with the following tips. 

Determine Your Desired Level of Investment Early

While to some, it might seem like a kill-joy, understanding your current level of reasonable investment is crucial to keeping the build journey a smooth and stress-free one. It's best to be sure of how much you have available to work with, including cash and loans. Consider the ongoing costs of maintaining and servicing a new home—utilities, additional landscaping, and other spending relevant to your lifestyle and goals. Take into account property rates and insurance. Awareness of these figures will make for fewer 'rude' surprises down the track, making for less stress and more enjoyment in the process. 

Prepare a Detailed List of Your "Must-Haves"

The secret to an effective design brief is in the details. Do everyone involved a favour by coming with your list, no matter how long. Designing a home for your family or goals means that you get to voice your wants, desires and needs; to achieve that goal, be ready to describe what that dream home looks like, works like, and feels like. When you have a clear idea of what you're after, you'll be more confident in decision-making and use your budget more effectively. You'll also feel that you are in control of the outcome of conversations regarding your build. 

Choose Your Peanut Gallery Wisely

We all have significant influences in our lives, whether they be parents, siblings, cousins, kids, or even our pets, for that matter. While many of us want to keep everyone happy, it's vital to remember that this is YOUR build. You are in charge, and what makes YOU happy is the most important. If you're planning to involve others, ensure that you have people in your corner that will dream with you and support you. Nothing kills excitement like negativity, arguments or unsolicited opinions. Be selective about what and who you bring with you. 

If You Don't Know, Ask

There's no need to go it alone when building a new home; we're here with you every step of the way. There are many details, factors and terms used every day in the home construction environment; we don't expect you to know or understand them all! From start to finish, you should feel that you can rely on your builder and their team to answer your questions and do their best to remedy your concerns. Here at Build7, we prioritise this highly and work tirelessly to come alongside our amazing clients.

Leave Comparison at The Door

Your home is and should be an expression of you. One trap we see people fall into often is the trap of comparison, or 'keeping up with the Jones's. This tendency is a sure-fire way to undermine the joy of building and should be avoided. Do your best to stay in your lane and draw inspiration from your list and your life. Sure, there may be things that your mate has that you'd like too, and that's fine! Just be sure to do what you want for yourself, and never to keep up with others. You're an original, and your home should be too.

Never Give In To Pressure

Sometimes, the pressure to make a decision can begin to mount. That's an uncomfortable place to be, which is why we make every effort to ensure that you won't feel any coming from us. Sometimes, the amount of time it takes to decide, financial factors or uncertainty can add stress to what could otherwise be a simple decision. If you're feeling the pressure, take a moment to do what you need to do to think clearly and see past it. Hasty decisions are often regretful ones, and we all hate buyers remorse. Commit to what you can and 'major' on the majors; focussing on what is truly important will ground you when the day is done.

Prepare To Be Flexible

Things change. Things don't always go to plan. It's a fact of life, and while our team does everything to ensure that things go smoothly and finish on time, sometimes, things happen. To tell you they don't would be untrue. 

A valuable skill is the ability to be flexible and keep a healthy perspective when speed-bumps present themselves. Our team has decades of combined experience behind us, and we're ready to tackle every challenge that comes and make the best plans to ensure they don't come. In the end, remaining calm and cooperative makes that a whole lot easier. 

Remember, we're here to work with you and for you. 

Keeping a handle on these seven tips can make for a world of difference when building. We hope that when you next build, you'll feel equipped and confident to start down the pathway to your new home. If you're ready to get started, we're always just a call or an email away.

Ethan Entz

Sunshine Coast based designer and creative professional. 


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